GitHub profile
Highlighted projects developed by my collaborators and me:
- Procgen Benchmark (2019): GitHub / blog post.
- Gym Retro (2018): GitHub / blog post on dataset / contest
- OpenAI Baselines (2016): GitHub / original post
(DQN) / ACKTR + A2C /
- OpenAI Gym (2016): homepage / GitHub / blog post / article
on NVIDIA blog
- Computation Graph Toolkit (2015): GitHub / docs. Computation Graph Toolkit
(CGT) is an automatic differentiation library, intended to be "Theano reloaded"
with fast compilation, multithreading, improved compile-time inference,
and a simpler codebase. I stopped developing it after Tensorflow came out and turned out
to be excellent.
- TrajOpt (developed 2012-2013): GitHub / docs. TrajOpt is a software
framework for generating robot trajectories by local optimization. The
following core capabilities are included: a solver for generic nonlinear
optimization problems by sequential quadratic programming, cost and
constraint functions for kinematics and collision avoidance, and a
JSON-based problem specification format for trajectory optimization
problems. The core libraries are implemented in C++, and a Python API
using Boost.Python is provided.